1895 America's Cup Racer 36 Wooden Defender Model Pond Yacht Replica with stand
1895 Cup Racer 36" Wooden "Defender Model Pond Yacht Replica with stand. This is a beautiful, large wooden model of the J-class Pond Yacht "Defender, " which won a 3-0 victory in the America's Cup in 1895. Made by Authentic Models, the model is built with plank on frame construction. With natural cotton sails and brass rigging the model comes with a wooden stand and a brass name plate that says, "1895 CUP RACER". This model is an impressive 36 inches from stern to bow, 36.5 inches high with the stand and 5 inches wide. It has a long, deep rich red hull with a thin white stripe and varnished natural wood over the rest of the craft. The sails could be washed if desired.